windfall of 1000 testimonials

This blog is to collect 1000 testimonials from satisfied buyer of "The Windfall Profits Paradox" ebook. Please ask me how to get the ebook (i have the resell right for this ebook so i can just sell a copy to you).

"The Windfall Profits Paradox Ebook"

The Windfall Profits Paradox Ebook


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Testimonial 3: Give Your Testimonial

If you have read this ebook before and want to contribute your testimonial, you can do it by leaving your testimonial at comment section of this post. Thank you.

-windfall 1000 Admin

Friday, November 18, 2005

Testimonial 2: Jim Cook

Went From $800,000.00 To 2 Billion!

Jay has worked with us for almost 10 years, and he has engineered some of the best marketing strategies I have ever seen. Actually he might be cheap when you consider last year, I paid Jay $670,000 and in the past 10 years over $2 million. That was Jay's reward for helping to build my company into the dominant precious metals and coin investment company in America doing over $2 Billion!

Jim Cook
Investment Rarities, Inc.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Testimonial 1: iklanpopular

"This ebook is great. a $295 worth ebook(i believe more than that) cost me only RM2.95" - Met, Webmaster of
- Melaka, Malaysia

(This guy buy the ebook at MYR2.95 no kidding, but that is a weeks ago when the ebook still sell at that price.)